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House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach

House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)

Rates and Availability
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Marcos Augusto Longo

Marcos Augusto Longo

Advertiser since 2021
{{}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier1}}
{{propertyState.showPhones.phones.secondary_phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier2}}
Verified host!
Locação 100% garantida
Anunciante verificado pelo TemporadaLivre - proteção total antifraude
Fast answer!
Generally less than 24 hours
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- {{error}}
Most wanted dates Daily
Easter 2025
R$ 800
Tiradentes 2025
R$ 800
Labor Day 2025
R$ 750
Corpus Christi 2025
R$ 700
Independency day
R$ 700
Children's Day
R$ 700
Christmas 2025
R$ 700
New Year's 2025/2026
R$ 1200
troque as fotos utilizando o teclado Use the arrow keys to navigate between photos
  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House for vacation rental in Ubatuba (Maranduba)


  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach
  • House in Ubatuba - Maranduba 150 meters from the beach

16 Accomodates

3 Rooms (incl. suites)
1 Suite

3 King Beds

0 Sofa beds

House for vacation rental in Ubatuba

Beach house with pool, barbecue and space for 5 cars. House with 3 bedrooms, 1 of them being a suite, kitchen, living room and balcony. Located 150 meters from the beach of Maranduba and 200 meters from the center of Maranduba which has a bakery, butcher, market, pharmacy, etc.

Free Season Ref.: 98515

29 Dec--30 Dec--31 Dec--1 Jan--2 Jan--3 Jan--4 Jan--
5 JanUnavail.6 JanUnavail.7 JanUnavail.8 JanUnavail.9 JanUnavail.10 JanUnavail.11 JanUnavail.
12 JanUnavail.13 JanUnavail.14 JanR$ 80015 JanR$ 80016 JanR$ 80017 JanR$ 80018 JanR$ 800
19 JanR$ 80020 JanR$ 80021 JanR$ 80022 JanR$ 80023 JanR$ 80024 JanR$ 80025 JanR$ 800
26 JanR$ 80027 JanR$ 80028 JanR$ 80029 JanR$ 80030 JanR$ 80031 JanR$ 8001 FebR$ 600
January 2025
26 JanR$ 80027 JanR$ 80028 JanR$ 80029 JanR$ 80030 JanR$ 80031 JanR$ 8001 FebR$ 600
2 FebR$ 6003 FebR$ 6004 FebR$ 6005 FebR$ 6006 FebR$ 6007 FebR$ 6008 FebR$ 600
9 FebR$ 60010 FebR$ 60011 FebR$ 60012 FebR$ 60013 FebR$ 60014 FebR$ 60015 FebR$ 600
16 FebR$ 60017 FebR$ 60018 FebR$ 60019 FebR$ 60020 FebR$ 60021 FebR$ 60022 FebR$ 600
23 FebR$ 60024 FebR$ 60025 FebR$ 60026 FebR$ 60027 FebR$ 60028 FebR$ 9001 MarR$ 900
February 2025
Dates Available

The prices and availability informed on this calendar may vary according to the period and demand. Confirm the prices as well as the availability of the property with the advertiser.

1 Suites
2 Baths (incl. suítes)
3 King Beds
0 Single beds
5 Bunkbeds
0 Sofa beds
0 Mattress
0 Air conditioners
4 Fans
5 Parking slots
Beach distance: 2 blocks

Accepts animals
Special needs ready
Beach chairs
Barbecue grill
Private condo
Iron board
Horiz. Freezer
Vert. Freezer
Wi-fi Internet
Dish washer
Laundry machine
Cable / sat TV
Kitchen utensils
Barbecue utensils
Covered parking
Ocean view
Allows parties
Private pool
Shared pool
Heated pool
Covered pool
Infants pool
House voltage: 110 volts

Review this property
November de 2024
House for rent in Ubatuba - Maranduba Casa e simples mas é confortável praia perto da casa tem bastante Colchões só questão que o caseiro fala para não deixar as coisas de valor dentro da casa aí a gente fica meio com de ficar na casa mas fora isso tem câmera as as portas tem grade a janela mas mesmo assim a gente fica meio com medo
November de 2024
House for rent in Ubatuba - Maranduba Casa e simples mas é confortável praia perto da casa tem bastante Colchões só questão que o caseiro fala para não deixar as coisas de valor dentro da casa aí a gente fica meio com de ficar na casa mas fora isso tem câmera as as portas tem grade a janela mas mesmo assim a gente fica meio com medo
April de 2023
House for rent in Ubatuba - Maranduba O senhor está confiando muito no seu caseiro, pois ele mesmo avisou dos perigos do local e o mesmo pediu pra nois não trocar os cadeados!!! Muito estranho o Sr não acha?
April de 2023
House for rent in Ubatuba - Maranduba A casa não é tão bonita qto o anúncio, local perigoso, casa já foi roubada várias vezes, teve q ficar 1 pra olhar as coisas, vizinhança avisou já os perigos do local não aconselho ninguém a alugar esse imóvel
Marcos Augusto Longo Marcos Augusto Longo: Patricia,, as fotos do anuncio são da própria casa. Na baixa temporada farei a pintura da casa, pois acredito que as fortes chuvas do início do prejudicaram a pintura externa da casa. A casa tem grades, alarmes e câmeras conectadas ao celular do meu caseiro, além de estar localizada ao lado da pousada Âncora, que tem vigia. A informação de que já foi roubada várias vezes não procede.
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Brasil » São Paulo » Ubatuba » Maranduba » Rua Sargento Neraldino Rosa Santos, 260

Closest airports

  • ACC - Accra Kotoka International ( 0km - about less than a minute)
  • LFW - Lome ( 0km - about less than a minute)
  • ABJ - Abidjan ( 0km - about less than a minute)
  • TMS - Sao Tome ( 0km - about less than a minute)
  • COO - Cotonou ( 0km - about less than a minute)

Marcos Augusto Longo
My name is Marcos, born in São Paulo who adopted Ubatuba as his hometown!
Contact info:
  • {{}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier1}}
  • {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.secondary_phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier2}}
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