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alugue com tranquilidade no TemporadaLivre

Safer, Cheaper and Simpler

See why TemporadaLivre is one of the largest classified portals for vacation rental properties in Brazil.

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Nosso anunciantes são verificados 1. Safer

At TemporadaLivre, we rigorously check each one of the listings hosts, requiring their personal documents and proof of property.

Você não paga nada para usar o TemporadaLivre 2. Cheaper

TemporadaLivre doesn't charge any commissions, so it's more affordable to rent through us than any other vacation rental websites.

Acesso a informações do anunciante 3. Simpler

TemporadaLivre doesn't hide the advertiser contacts. You can talk and negotiate directly with the listing owner.

Renting a property through TemporadaLivre is quick and easy

Founded in 2011, TemporadaLivre is one of the largest vacation rental sites in Brazil, with more than 13.800 listed properties of verified advertisers.

On one side, homeowners and real estate agents list their properties for vacation rental.

On the other side, travelers like yourself use our website and App to find the best options of houses and apartments for vacation rental, all over Brazil and even abroad.

Usuário pesquisando uma casa no temporadalivre


Frequently Asked Questions about TemporadaLivre

How are listings verified?

All advertisers in TemporadaLivre undergo a rigorous analysis of supporting documents, where the identity of the advertiser is verified, as well as the ownership of the property.

Thus, TemporadaLivre confirms not only that the property exists, but that the advertiser has the authorization to list it, thus receiving a Verified Advertiser badge, available on each listing within the quote box:

Verified Advertiser!
Documentation checked by TemporadaLivre
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How do I rent a property?

In each property listed on our portal, you will find the quote box (see below). So just fill in the desired dates and the number of guests and click on "Request a quote".

You will receive a response from the advertiser within a few hours, confirming the availability and price, as well as payment information if you are interested.

Payment and rental terms can be negotiated directly with the property advertiser, and TemporadaLivre allows direct contact between the parties, improving conditions to closing deal.

caixa de orçamento do temporadalivre
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Still needs help?

If you need help, contact our team! We will get back to you in less than 24 business hours.

Fill out the form below or, if you prefer, send an email to

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Now let's find the perfect property!

It's very simple: on our main page, just provide your desidered city or beach/neighborhood, or explore our entire catalog to find out new destinations!

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If you are interested in listing your properties in TemporadaLivre, we can't wait to have you onboard!

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