Apt well furnished and clean with wifi in pitangueiras
Apartment for vacation rental in Guarujá (Pitangueiras)

{{contactState.errors.datePresenceErrors}} {{contactState.errors.dateConsistencyErrors}}
{{contactState.errors.datePresenceErrors}} {{contactState.errors.dateConsistencyErrors}}
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Property is not available on these dates!
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Property is available on these dates!
Price can change depending on number of guests. Inform number of adults and children to get an accurate quote.
The preferred stay for this period is {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} daily. The advertiser can accept, but consider increasing {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} diárias days in your query to have more chances.
This property has a strict minimum stay requirement for these dates of {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} nights. To submit your query, you must increase {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} daily on your dates.
Property is not available on these dates!
Check other available dates on calendar
Property is available on these dates!
Price can change depending on number of guests. Inform number of adults and children to get an accurate quote.
The preferred stay for this period is {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} daily. The advertiser can accept, but consider increasing {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} diárias days in your query to have more chances.
This property has a strict minimum stay requirement for these dates of {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} nights. To submit your query, you must increase {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} daily on your dates.
Starting from
R${{ property.minRateInCents / 100 | numberFormat(0) }} per night
Confirm rates and availability by messaging the advertiser
Check other available dates on calendar
{{ parseInt(item.amount_in_cents / 100) | numberFormat(0) }}

{{propertyState.showPhones.phones.phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier1}}
{{propertyState.showPhones.phones.secondary_phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier2}}
Locação 100% garantida
Anunciante verificado pelo TemporadaLivre - proteção total antifraude
Anunciante verificado pelo TemporadaLivre - proteção total antifraude
Very fast answer!
Generally less than 3 hours
Generally less than 3 hours
Get a quote now!
Speak directly with the advertiser!
If you liked the property, please use the fields on the right to contact the advertiser directly.
Most wanted dates | Daily |
Easter 2025
R$ 700 |
Tiradentes 2025
R$ 500 |
Labor Day 2025
R$ 500 |
Corpus Christi 2025
R$ 500 |
Independency day
R$ 400 |
Children's Day
R$ 400 |
Christmas 2025
R$ 1000 |
New Year's 2025/2026
R$ 1800 |

5 Accomodates
2 Rooms (incl. suites)
0 Suite
1 King Beds
3 Single beds
Apartment for vacation rental in Guarujá
safe near market, bakery, pharmacy, shopping.
I only rent for family.
Free Season Ref.: 85914
26 Jan-- | 27 Jan-- | 28 Jan-- | 29 Jan-- | 30 Jan-- | 31 Jan-- | 1 Feb-- |
2 Feb-- | 3 Feb-- | 4 Feb-- | 5 FebR$ 400 | 6 FebR$ 400 | 7 FebR$ 400 | 8 FebR$ 400 |
9 FebR$ 400 | 10 FebR$ 400 | 11 FebR$ 400 | 12 FebR$ 400 | 13 FebR$ 400 | 14 FebR$ 400 | 15 FebR$ 400 |
16 FebR$ 400 | 17 FebR$ 400 | 18 FebR$ 400 | 19 FebR$ 400 | 20 FebR$ 400 | 21 FebR$ 400 | 22 FebUnavail. |
23 FebR$ 400 | 24 FebR$ 400 | 25 FebR$ 400 | 26 FebR$ 400 | 27 FebR$ 400 | 28 FebR$ 700 | 1 MarR$ 700 |
February 2025 | ||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
23 FebR$ 400 | 24 FebR$ 400 | 25 FebR$ 400 | 26 FebR$ 400 | 27 FebR$ 400 | 28 FebR$ 700 | 1 MarR$ 700 |
2 MarR$ 700 | 3 MarR$ 700 | 4 MarR$ 700 | 5 MarR$ 700 | 6 MarR$ 700 | 7 MarR$ 700 | 8 MarR$ 700 |
9 MarR$ 700 | 10 MarR$ 400 | 11 MarR$ 400 | 12 MarR$ 400 | 13 MarR$ 400 | 14 MarR$ 400 | 15 MarR$ 400 |
16 MarR$ 400 | 17 MarR$ 400 | 18 MarR$ 400 | 19 MarR$ 400 | 20 MarR$ 400 | 21 MarR$ 400 | 22 MarR$ 400 |
23 MarR$ 400 | 24 MarR$ 400 | 25 MarR$ 400 | 26 MarR$ 400 | 27 MarR$ 400 | 28 MarR$ 400 | 29 MarR$ 400 |
30 MarR$ 400 | 31 MarR$ 400 | 1 AprR$ 400 | 2 AprR$ 400 | 3 AprR$ 400 | 4 AprR$ 400 | 5 AprR$ 400 |
March 2025 | ||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
Unavailable Dates Available
Unavailable Dates Available
The prices and availability informed on this calendar may vary according to the period and demand. Confirm the prices as well as the availability of the property with the advertiser.
Review this property
December de 2024
Gostaria de agradecer à Eva por chegar e encontrar o ap limpo e cheiroso. Tudo que precisamos estava limpo.o lugar é ótimo.rua calma.portaria muito educada.voltaremos com certeza.
January de 2023
January de 2022
November de 2021
Ótimo apartamento,super limpo,e aconchegante,próximo de praia e comércio,espero voltar outras vezes.
October de 2021
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Ivone F. A.

Leonardo Nogueira Leali
Eva Costa: Obrigada Leonardo, tentamos fazer o possível, para que nossos hóspedes fiquem o mais confortável possível.
Espero que volte mais vezes, serão sempre bem vindos.
Tiago Bersanetti
Eva Costa: Muito obrigada Tiago, procuramos deixar o apto limpo,para nossos hóspedes se sinta em sua casa, volte mais vezes, seram sempre bem vindos.

Eva Costa: Que bom que gostaram do apto Dulcinéia vcs seram sempre bem vindos, cuidamos da limpeza com muita atenção para que nossos hóspedes se sinta em sua casa
Muito obrigada
Brasil » São Paulo » Guarujá » Pitangueiras
» Rua Santos 280
Edifício Viarregio
Closest airports
- CGH - Sao Paulo Congonhas ( 93km - about about 1 hour)
- GRU - Sao Paulo Guarulhos International ( 108km - about about 2 hours)
- VCP - São Paulo Viracopos Campinas ( 190km - about about 2 hours)
Eva Costa
Contact info:
- {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier1}}
- {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.secondary_phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier2}}