Vacation Rental Canasvieiras in Florianópolis/SC

207 Properties for rent in Canasvieiras

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Showing 207 properties in Canasvieiras

Meet Canasvieiras in Florianópolis - SC

The Canasvieiras beach becomes, during the summer, one of the busiest destinations from Magic Island. It is located in the north, between the beaches of Jurerê and Cachoeira do Bom Jesus.

The calm waters and the region's infrastructure make Canasvieiras a place to stroll with family or friends. It is the favorite beach of Florianópolis of the Southern Cone tourists. During the high season, Canasvieiras becomes a true beachside retreat for families and young Argentines, Uruguayans and Paraguayans. Because of this, many establishments offer bilingual services, and it is not difficult to find even Argentine newspapers. On the streets, signs written in Spanish and sellers risking the language are quite common.

Due to the large infrastructure, Canasvieiras works like a small town. It has health services, police, supermarket and trade. On sunny days, leisure and services go to the beach, with street vendors and spaces reserved for sport fans. At night, no shortage of fun. In “centrinho” (little downtown) the streets are nearby, so it pays to walk around and see the street performers, stop at a bar or buy souvenirs.

Attractive Canasvieiras - SC

Praia de Canasvieiras The sea of ​​Canasvieiras is open to the north, and is intermediate between the ocean sea and the bay. The waters, calm, warm (range between 23 and 26 celcius in the summer) and gentle waves are ideal for a day of fun for families with children. The waves on the beach stretch for more than 50 meters by the softness of the seafloor slope, giving the Canasvieiras Praia Rasa rating.

The sea gets a bright green cast when it hits the sun (in days of blue sky). The sand is fine and yellowish, good for barefoot hiking. To the north, the beach is bordered by the beach of Cachoeira do Bom Jesus. This division occurs only by social convention, because there is no physical limit. To the west, ending at Ponta dos Morretes. Has 2.2 km long, approximately, with sandy tracks that vary in width 8-60 meters.

Canasvieiras, a destination worth visiting

Anyone who has had the pleasure of knowing the state of Santa Catarina, you know that is one of, if not the most, beautiful around the southern coast of Brazil. After all, God caprichou (and) at the time of writing this place with beautiful landscapes. Santa Catarina is blessed with many natural beauties. The images do not let us lie. For beauty, there has to spare ..

Canasvieiras is one of the beautiful beaches of the island that lies in the northern region between the beaches of Jurerê and Cachoeira do Bom Jesus and came up with the arrival of a group of Azoreans, who migrated to the site in mid-1754, which is one of the oldest villages the island.

The resort, which is well known and appreciated by tourists and locals, is very busy and has a center that possess all trade. There, there is everything travelers want and / or need.

The beach of Canasvieiras is a region that includes both the natural beauty and the infrastructure, which makes it easier for those staying in the area because do not need to travel long distances to go to the mall, for example. Banks, supermarkets, health centers, bakeries, convenience stores and leisure makes up the center of Canasvieiras.

Ah, the lovely Canasvieiras Beach - SC

Canasvieiras is one of those beaches you can not miss. After all, its waters are always limpinhas and heated by queeeente summer sun. The sea is calm and the fact that few waves, is the darling among families with children and seniors.

The beach of Canasvieiras is also fine sand and clear, no stones in the way, and super nice to walk. The fine sand is great for children to play and have fun with their "constructions" of sand.

But in high season period, it is advisable to arrive early to get a good place to put your umbrella or tent. And if you do not have beach chairs and accoutrements to get a good tan, know that there are there choices of bars that offer this service and can be rented from tables under tents to incredible trips in kayaks and schooners.

For those who enjoy natural scenery and feel the fresh air of nature, the ideal is to go the beach at dusk to watch the sunset and, therefore, sit at one of the kiosks or even in the sand and enjoy beautiful view that the evening provides.

 Attractions Canasvieiras - SC

In Canasvieiras, there are several companies promenades, with boats and schooners that offer different guided tours with diverse entertainment such as concerts and theater pirates.

But the ideal is to take advantage also to make a boat trip to the French Island, which is a small island northwest of the beach Canasvieras, about 1km away from the coast. This island is im-per-di-vel, it has crystal clear water and even quieter than the beach Canasvieiras.

Nightlife Canasvieiras - SC

The nightlife of the resort can be very excited for all ages, as there have choice of bars and restaurants, some with live music, ice cream from the simplest until the very famous Italian ice cream and Mexican reeds. bikini shops, clothes and souvenirs of the fill area during the high season has something new and different parts in all Brazilian hot summers.

But look, the centrinho Canasvieiras not lose to any large shopping center, not seen? As it has from leisure centers to emergency care and police stations. That is, it is complete!

Vacational Rentals in Canasvieiras - SC

Pôr-do-sol em Canasvieiras

The tourism potential of the city, especially in the areas close to the sea, attracts the attention of several good and large construction companies that increasingly invest in new buildings. Fact that generates benefits to tourists looking for an apartment or house for Rent in Canasvieiras.

TemporadaLivre knows the best apartments and second homes in the city and gather all offers in one place to help you plan your trip.

Houses and Apartments for seasonal rental

When searching for apartments or houses to rent for season in Canasvieiras, use our filters to help you choose the features that best suit their control. Rent a house, even for the season, it is a matter of attention to detail.

Pictures: Bruna Costanzi, Gabriel Fernandes, Gustavo Durán