House in condominium-sea view-150 meters from the beach Pero super ventilated
House for vacation rental in Cabo Frio (Peró)
{{contactState.errors.datePresenceErrors}} {{contactState.errors.dateConsistencyErrors}}
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The preferred stay for this period is {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} daily. The advertiser can accept, but consider increasing {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} diárias days in your query to have more chances.
This property has a strict minimum stay requirement for these dates of {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} nights. To submit your query, you must increase {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} daily on your dates.
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Property is available on these dates!
Price can change depending on number of guests. Inform number of adults and children to get an accurate quote.
The preferred stay for this period is {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} daily. The advertiser can accept, but consider increasing {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} diárias days in your query to have more chances.
This property has a strict minimum stay requirement for these dates of {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} nights. To submit your query, you must increase {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} daily on your dates.
Starting from
R${{ property.minRateInCents / 100 | numberFormat(0) }} per night
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{{ parseInt(item.amount_in_cents / 100) | numberFormat(0) }}

{{propertyState.showPhones.phones.phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier1}}
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Locação 100% garantida
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Anunciante verificado pelo TemporadaLivre - proteção total antifraude
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Generally less than 12 hours
Generally less than 12 hours
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9 Accomodates
3 Rooms (incl. suites)
3 Suites
3 King Beds
4 Single beds
House for vacation rental in Cabo Frio
composed of room with two sofas in masonry of 2 and 3 places; table with 6 chairs; 32 inch tv with cable tv with premiere and wifi and attached enclosed porch with barbecue; table with 6 chairs and 3 seater bench
kitchen with stove; fridge and freezer; furnace etc; service area and bathroom
3 bedrooms all with 22 inch tv with satellite dish; free view and great ventilation being
one suite with double cane and bunk bed
one bedroom with double bed and bunk bed with bathroom next to the door
one suite with double bed and two balconies with sea view
see the location of the house on google maps at the end of this ad click satellite to get the photo image or request by email this ad other links of the house location
https://g1.globo.com/rj/regiao-dos-lagos/noticia/2018/11/26/bandeira-azul-e-hasteada-e-praia-do-pero-em-cabo-frio-rj- receives-international-quality-seal.ghtml
Blue Flag is raised and Peró Beach, in Cabo Frio, RJ, receives international quality seal
Ceremony was held on Sunday (25).
The Blue Flag was hoisted at Peró Beach, Cabo Frio, in the Rio Lakes Region, in a ceremony held on Sunday morning (25). The beach is the first in the state of Rio de Janeiro to receive the international seal, which attests to the quality and sustainability of the place.
The world title was won in Cabo Frio after two years of monthly testing of water conditions and compliance with the requirements of the Danish-based Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE).
For the city that lives on beach and sun tourism, the Blue Flag is the most important program. If you have the international seal, you have a quality beach, not only clean water, but clean sand, services and accessibility, "says biologist Mário Flávio Moreira, Cabo Frio Environment Coordinator.
Free Season Ref.: 56642
26 Jan-- | 27 Jan-- | 28 Jan-- | 29 Jan-- | 30 Jan-- | 31 Jan-- | 1 Feb-- |
2 Feb-- | 3 Feb-- | 4 Feb-- | 5 Feb-- | 6 Feb-- | 7 Feb-- | 8 Feb-- |
9 Feb-- | 10 Feb-- | 11 Feb-- | 12 Feb-- | 13 Feb-- | 14 Feb-- | 15 Feb-- |
16 Feb-- | 17 Feb-- | 18 Feb-- | 19 Feb-- | 20 Feb-- | 21 Feb-- | 22 Feb-- |
23 Feb-- | 24 FebConsult | 25 FebConsult | 26 FebConsult | 27 FebConsult | 28 FebUnavail. | 1 MarUnavail. |
February 2025 | ||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
23 Feb-- | 24 FebConsult | 25 FebConsult | 26 FebConsult | 27 FebConsult | 28 FebUnavail. | 1 MarUnavail. |
2 MarUnavail. | 3 MarUnavail. | 4 MarUnavail. | 5 MarUnavail. | 6 MarUnavail. | 7 MarConsult | 8 MarConsult |
9 MarConsult | 10 MarConsult | 11 MarConsult | 12 MarConsult | 13 MarConsult | 14 MarConsult | 15 MarUnavail. |
16 MarUnavail. | 17 MarUnavail. | 18 MarUnavail. | 19 MarUnavail. | 20 MarUnavail. | 21 MarUnavail. | 22 MarConsult |
23 MarConsult | 24 MarConsult | 25 MarConsult | 26 MarConsult | 27 MarConsult | 28 MarConsult | 29 MarConsult |
30 MarConsult | 31 MarConsult | 1 AprConsult | 2 AprConsult | 3 AprConsult | 4 AprConsult | 5 AprConsult |
March 2025 | ||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
Unavailable Dates Available
Unavailable Dates Available
The prices and availability informed on this calendar may vary according to the period and demand. Confirm the prices as well as the availability of the property with the advertiser.
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January de 2025
Andre Figueiredo: Boa noite luiz
Obrigado pela avaliação
Espero recebe -logo novamente em breve
December de 2024
Vindo aqui pra agradecer a hospitalidade e prontidão do amigo Alexandro que nos 14 dias que estive hospedado, estava sempre pronto pra nos ajudar, gratidão 🙏.
Andre Figueiredo: Boa tarde Cristiano
Obrigado pela avaliação
Ele cuida da casa e só ganha quando tem hóspede pois a arrumação para a entrada e a limpeza na saída e feita por ele e a esposa e resolve os problemas que surgirem durante a hospedagem
Como moro no Rio sem ele não seria possível Lugar a casae dar atenção aos hospedes
October de 2024
A casa de Sr. André é exatamente como ele descreve no site. Ambiente maravilhoso, casa boa enarejada. Alessandro o nos recebeu muito educadamente e se prontificou a nos ajudar no que precisávamos. Foram excelentes dias na praia.
Andre Figueiredo: Boa tarde Elizabete
Muito obrigado pela avaliação espero recebe-la novamente em breve
August de 2024
É a segunda vez que hospedamos neste imóvel.
Um lugar maravilhoso!!!!
Aconchegante, confortável, próximo de tudo que precisamos e o melhor, pertíssimo da praia de Peró.
Os caseiros são muito atenciosos. Gente finíssima!
Super indico.
Andre Figueiredo: Boa tarde Schiller
Muito obrigado pela avaliação espero receber_lá de novo em breve
February de 2024
Muito bom o imóvel, excelente localização, disseram que são 150 metros da praia, mas dá a impressão que é até menos de tão rápido que chega na praia. Responsável pelo local muito atencioso e prestativo.
Andre Figueiredo: bom dia jean
obrigado pela avaliação é tambem minha casa de praia e procuro mante-la o melhor possivel
voce foi excelente hospede espero recebe-lo novamente
February de 2024
Excelente experiência, local ótimo, próximo realmente da praia, mercados e depósito de bebidas, realmente bem arejada, gostei muito🥰🥰🥰
Andre Figueiredo: Boa tarde Flávia
Obrigado pela avaliacao
Você foi uma ótima hospede Espero recebe la novamente
February de 2024
{{ isLoadingData ? 'Loading ...' : showMoreOrLessLabel }}




Um lugar maravilhoso!!!!
Aconchegante, confortável, próximo de tudo que precisamos e o melhor, pertíssimo da praia de Peró.
Os caseiros são muito atenciosos. Gente finíssima!
Super indico.

Jean Felipe

Flávia Da Cruz Braga Pessôa

Flávia Da Cruz Braga Pessôa
Brasil » Rio de Janeiro » Cabo Frio » Peró » Av Dos Pescadores 958 Casa 11
Closest airports
- SDU - Rio de Janeiro Santos Dumont ( 158km - about about 2 hours)
- GIG - Rio de Janeiro International ( 161km - about about 2 hours)
Andre Figueiredo
I am the owner of the properties a house on the beach of pero in cabo frio and an apartment on the beach of barra da tijuca and I do not work with intermediaries in order to reduce costs and make the daily rate more accessible
in the advertisements there is a current video where the client can see exactly how the property is
during hosting any problem or question is dealt with directly with me
in the advertisements there is a current video where the client can see exactly how the property is
during hosting any problem or question is dealt with directly with me
Contact info:
- {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier1}}
- {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.secondary_phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier2}}