House for vacation rental in Camaçari (Barra do Jacuípe)
{{contactState.errors.datePresenceErrors}} {{contactState.errors.dateConsistencyErrors}}
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Property is available on these dates!
Price can change depending on number of guests. Inform number of adults and children to get an accurate quote.
The preferred stay for this period is {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} daily. The advertiser can accept, but consider increasing {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} diárias days in your query to have more chances.
This property has a strict minimum stay requirement for these dates of {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} nights. To submit your query, you must increase {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} daily on your dates.
Property is not available on these dates!
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Property is available on these dates!
Price can change depending on number of guests. Inform number of adults and children to get an accurate quote.
The preferred stay for this period is {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} daily. The advertiser can accept, but consider increasing {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} diárias days in your query to have more chances.
This property has a strict minimum stay requirement for these dates of {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} nights. To submit your query, you must increase {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} daily on your dates.
Starting from
R${{ property.minRateInCents / 100 | numberFormat(0) }} per night
Confirm rates and availability by messaging the advertiser
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{{ parseInt(item.amount_in_cents / 100) | numberFormat(0) }}

{{propertyState.showPhones.phones.phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier1}}
{{propertyState.showPhones.phones.secondary_phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier2}}
Locação 100% garantida
Anunciante verificado pelo TemporadaLivre - proteção total antifraude
Anunciante verificado pelo TemporadaLivre - proteção total antifraude
Very fast answer!
Generally less than 3 hours
Generally less than 3 hours
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10 Accomodates
2 Rooms (incl. suites)
2 Suites
2 King Beds
0 Sofa beds
House for vacation rental in Camaçari
Located in Barra do Jacuípe/Camaçari (BA), located in Costa dos Coqueiros, 33 km from Salvador Airport
Around 60 meters to the track (It is possible to see the Coconut Road)
Close to the beach and where the river meets the sea
Great location, close to tourist attractions in Arembepe, Guarajuba and Praia do forte
Recently built, covered with porcelain and plaster finish
Spacious and ventilated
2 suites with double bed
1 bathroom
large room
Equipped with indoor furniture, microwave, Smartv and wifi access
Private parking
Leisure area with landscaping and hydromassage pool
We make promotional packages
Free Season Ref.: 89883
29 Dec-- | 30 Dec-- | 31 Dec-- | 1 Jan-- | 2 Jan-- | 3 Jan-- | 4 Jan-- |
5 Jan-- | 6 JanUnavail. | 7 JanUnavail. | 8 JanConsult | 9 JanConsult | 10 JanUnavail. | 11 JanUnavail. |
12 JanUnavail. | 13 JanUnavail. | 14 JanConsult | 15 JanConsult | 16 JanConsult | 17 JanConsult | 18 JanConsult |
19 JanConsult | 20 JanConsult | 21 JanConsult | 22 JanConsult | 23 JanConsult | 24 JanConsult | 25 JanConsult |
26 JanConsult | 27 JanConsult | 28 JanConsult | 29 JanConsult | 30 JanConsult | 31 JanConsult | 1 FebConsult |
January 2025 | ||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
26 JanConsult | 27 JanConsult | 28 JanConsult | 29 JanConsult | 30 JanConsult | 31 JanConsult | 1 FebConsult |
2 FebConsult | 3 FebConsult | 4 FebConsult | 5 FebConsult | 6 FebConsult | 7 FebConsult | 8 FebConsult |
9 FebConsult | 10 FebConsult | 11 FebConsult | 12 FebConsult | 13 FebConsult | 14 FebConsult | 15 FebConsult |
16 FebConsult | 17 FebConsult | 18 FebConsult | 19 FebConsult | 20 FebConsult | 21 FebConsult | 22 FebConsult |
23 FebConsult | 24 FebConsult | 25 FebConsult | 26 FebConsult | 27 FebConsult | 28 FebConsult | 1 MarConsult |
February 2025 | ||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
Unavailable Dates Available
Unavailable Dates Available
The prices and availability informed on this calendar may vary according to the period and demand. Confirm the prices as well as the availability of the property with the advertiser.
Review this property
December de 2023
Amei a experiência, casa maravilhosa, tivemos uma ótima hospedagem! Fomos muito bem recebidos. Espero voltar em breve
Micaela: Nós que ficamos muito gratificados com sua experiência e em receber um feedback tão positivo e carinhoso como o seu! Locatários felizes nos deixam sempre inspirados a melhorar mais e mais! Muito obrigada Carol! Até a próxima!
November de 2022
O local é muito tranquilo e agradável, a casa é excelente, o imóvel estava super limpo e organizado. Fomos bem acolhidos pela proprietária, recomendo.
Micaela: Agradecemos o seu retorno, Soraia! Será sempre muito gratificante receber você e a família! Abraços
January de 2022
Boa recepção, casa limpa, ambientes conservados. Gostei e espero voltar na conclusão final de todo o loteamento 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Micaela: Muito obrigada pelo feedback, José! É sempre muito importante esse retorno para aperfeiçoarmos nossa acomodação e o bem estar de vocês. Sua familia será sempre muito bem vinda!
November de 2021
A casa é muito confortável, espaçosa, ventilada e bonita. A limpeza é impecável e fomos muito bem atendidos pela anunciante. Recomendo para quem quer descansar e aproveitar as férias.
Micaela: Muito obrigada pelo feedback, Luana! Ele é muito importante para aperfeiçoarmos nossa acomodação visando melhorar o bem estar de todos. Vocês serão sempre muito bem vindos! Até a próxima, espero que breve.
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Carolina Sampaio Amorim


José Bonfim


Brasil » Bahia » Camaçari » Barra do Jacuípe » Lot Dourado, S/N, Barra Do Jacuípe
Closest airports
- SSA - Salvador ( 38km - about 42 minutes)
- AJU - Aracaju ( 257km - about about 4 hours)
Contact info:
- {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier1}}
- {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.secondary_phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier2}}