House for vacation rental in Imbituba (Praia da Vila)
{{contactState.errors.datePresenceErrors}} {{contactState.errors.dateConsistencyErrors}}
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Property is available on these dates!
Price can change depending on number of guests. Inform number of adults and children to get an accurate quote.
The preferred stay for this period is {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} daily. The advertiser can accept, but consider increasing {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} diárias days in your query to have more chances.
This property has a strict minimum stay requirement for these dates of {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} nights. To submit your query, you must increase {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} daily on your dates.
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Property is available on these dates!
Price can change depending on number of guests. Inform number of adults and children to get an accurate quote.
The preferred stay for this period is {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} daily. The advertiser can accept, but consider increasing {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} diárias days in your query to have more chances.
This property has a strict minimum stay requirement for these dates of {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays}} nights. To submit your query, you must increase {{property.quoteAndAvailability.minStayNbDays - property.quoteAndAvailability.rates.nb_days}} daily on your dates.
Starting from
R${{ property.minRateInCents / 100 | numberFormat(0) }} per night
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{{ parseInt(item.amount_in_cents / 100) | numberFormat(0) }}

{{propertyState.showPhones.phones.phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier1}}
{{propertyState.showPhones.phones.secondary_phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier2}}
Locação 100% garantida
Anunciante verificado pelo TemporadaLivre - proteção total antifraude
Anunciante verificado pelo TemporadaLivre - proteção total antifraude
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6 Accomodates
2 Rooms (incl. suites)
0 Suite
2 King Beds
1 Sofa beds
House for vacation rental in Imbituba
Praia da Vila in Imbituba/SC is famous for surfing, with the best waves for this sport in the State of Santa Catarina. It is also visited every year from July to September by whales of the Franca type, accompanied by their calves.
The houses are close to the promenade of Avenida Beira Mar (restaurants, bars and snack bars) and 02 blocks from the city center (banks, bakeries, supermarkets and commercial stores), with no need for a car to move around and enjoy leisure time during your vacation.
Description of the 03 Houses:
- Houses 01 and 03: have 01 double suite and living room-kitchen and bathroom; can accommodate up to 04 people.
- House 02: has 02 double bedrooms, living room-kitchen and bathroom; can accommodate up to 07
All 03 houses have cable internet, TV, air conditioning in the bedrooms, appliances and kitchen utensils.
The collective inner courtyard of the houses allows for the storage of cars and has a barbecue and laundry facilities.
SUMMER SEASON 2023 daily rates:
Free Season Ref.: 35683
29 Dec-- | 30 Dec-- | 31 Dec-- | 1 Jan-- | 2 Jan-- | 3 Jan-- | 4 Jan-- |
5 JanUnavail. | 6 JanUnavail. | 7 JanUnavail. | 8 JanUnavail. | 9 JanUnavail. | 10 JanUnavail. | 11 JanUnavail. |
12 JanUnavail. | 13 JanUnavail. | 14 JanUnavail. | 15 JanUnavail. | 16 JanUnavail. | 17 JanUnavail. | 18 JanUnavail. |
19 JanUnavail. | 20 JanUnavail. | 21 JanUnavail. | 22 JanUnavail. | 23 JanUnavail. | 24 JanUnavail. | 25 JanUnavail. |
26 JanUnavail. | 27 JanUnavail. | 28 JanUnavail. | 29 JanUnavail. | 30 JanUnavail. | 31 JanUnavail. | 1 FebUnavail. |
January 2025 | ||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
26 JanUnavail. | 27 JanUnavail. | 28 JanUnavail. | 29 JanUnavail. | 30 JanUnavail. | 31 JanUnavail. | 1 FebUnavail. |
2 FebUnavail. | 3 FebConsult | 4 FebConsult | 5 FebConsult | 6 FebConsult | 7 FebConsult | 8 FebConsult |
9 FebConsult | 10 FebConsult | 11 FebConsult | 12 FebConsult | 13 FebConsult | 14 FebConsult | 15 FebConsult |
16 FebConsult | 17 FebUnavail. | 18 FebUnavail. | 19 FebUnavail. | 20 FebUnavail. | 21 FebUnavail. | 22 FebUnavail. |
23 FebUnavail. | 24 FebUnavail. | 25 FebUnavail. | 26 FebUnavail. | 27 FebUnavail. | 28 FebConsult | 1 MarConsult |
February 2025 | ||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
Unavailable Dates Available
Unavailable Dates Available
The prices and availability informed on this calendar may vary according to the period and demand. Confirm the prices as well as the availability of the property with the advertiser.
Brasil » Santa Catarina » Imbituba » Praia da Vila » Rua Quintino Bocaiuva, Nº 55 , Bairro Centro
Closest airports
- FLN - Florianopolis ( 107km - about about 2 hours)
- NVT - Navegantes ( 187km - about about 2 hours)
- JOI - Joinville ( 267km - about about 3 hours)
- POA - Porto Alegre ( 367km - about about 5 hours)
- CWB - Curitiba ( 362km - about about 5 hours)
Maria Da Glória Silva Wulfing
Contact info:
- {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier1}}
- {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.secondary_phone}} {{propertyState.showPhones.phones.carrier2}}